Homeopathic treatment of uterine fibroids can be very effective and is highly recommended. Most of the time the success rate is very high when treated early while the fibroids are of small to medium size.
What are fibroids?
Fibroids are tumors of the muscle lining the wall of the uterus (womb). They are therefore also known as "myoma" or muscle tumors. Fibroids are almost always benign (not cancerous) and can be solitary or multiple. They vary is size and only in unusual cases become very large. Fibroids are most common in women between ages 40-50 years and may be dormant without any symptoms or may cause excessive bleeding and pressure symptoms leading to frequent urination and rectal pressure.
Classification of Fibroids
Depending on their location fibroids are classified as:
- Submucosal fibroids :: Grow into the uterine cavity.
- Intramural fibroids :: Grow within the wall of the uterus.
- Subserosal fibroids :: Grow on the outside of the uterus.
Should you opt homeopathy for fibroids?
Yes, you definitely should, provided the fibroids are small to medium size, irrespective of their number. The location too plays an important role and fibroids which are within the uterine cavity (submucousal) and within the uterine wall (Intramural) are easier to treat. Intramural (within the wall) fibroids can be reduced in size and cannot be expunged or dissected naturally like those in the uterine cavity (submucousal).
Large fibroids are those which take up more than 3x3 cm as per our clinical guidelines and not as per standard medical books. Fibroids which are larger than this take longer and the outcome a bit uncertain. Said that larger fibroids have been treated successfully too; however the time duration is comparatively longer.
Homeopathic remedies in general have no known side effects whatsoever. They are recommended for all age groups and can be taken for long durations without the fear of any harmful side effects. You can be 100% sure of their safety and efficacy.
How do homeopathic medicines work?
All fibroids have a network of blood vessels which keep the fibroid live as well as help it grow in size. We assume that the medicines we prescribe help by:
- Reducing or cutting the blood flow to the tumor. This is evident by the reduced bleeding or hemorrhage experienced by women on starting homeopathic medicines.
- Blocking the blood flow causes death of the entire or part of the fibroid
- The fibroid usually shrinks in size over a few months. You may also experience pieces of the amputated fibroid being expelled out usually during your menstrual cycle.
Which homeopathic remedy do we recommend ?
There is no one single remedy which is a traditional fibroid remedy. A constitutional remedy based on the totality of all your symptoms is an ideal prescription. Some well-indicated remedies used at our centres are: Calcarea Carbonica, Thuja Occidentalis, Lachesis Mutans, Phosphorus, Aurum met, Aurum Mur Natrionatum, Fraxinus Americanus, Siliceaetc, to name a few. Never indulge into self medication as the remedy indicated in your case depends on the signs and symptoms you present with and could be entirely different. We strongly recommend anyone with this condition to first try homeopathy as the treatment outcome is very favorable and surgery avoidable when treated timely.